等了四個禮拜﹐ 終於收到 的 email ﹗﹗ 我的母系DNA的結果
我的 MtDNA 是屬於 Haplogroup B
B Specific mitochondrial haplogroups are typically found in different regions
of the world, and this is due to unique population histories. In the process
of spreading around the world, many populations—with their special mitochondrial
haplogroups—became isolated, and specific haplogroups concentrated in geographic
regions. Today, we have identified certain haplogroups that originated in
Africa, Europe, Asia, the islands of the Pacific, the Americas, and even
particular ethnic groups. Of course, haplogroups that are specific to one
region are sometimes found in another, but this is due to recent migration.
Haplogroup B is found in eastern and southeastern Eurasia and throughout
the Americas. This haplogroup was present in the populations that initially
colonized the pre-Columbian Americas, and using American samples dates to
at least 12,500 years ago. This haplogroup can also be found distributed
in Polynesia. Future work will resolve the issue of how many distinct colonization
events there were in the original peopling of the Americas, and the role
of individuals bearing haplogroup B.
由於 haplogroup B 沒有足夠的datebase, 我找不到和我DNA match的人。 看datebase
裡屬於haplogroup B 的﹐ 很多都在美洲大陸﹐看來﹐我的祖先走到台灣就懶的走﹐
她的姐妹就繼續走到美洲大陸。 台灣有很多人都是屬於 haplogroup B。
我還想知道我媽那邊的父系DNA﹐ 因為我外公的歷史沒有人知道﹐ 連外婆都不清楚。
我們只知道外公是一臉阿杜仔的樣子﹐ 卻沒有任何資料說明他的血統。只有拿我
舅舅的sample 才可以測出他父系的DNA。
至於我爸的就簡單了﹐ 直接拿他的sample 做Y-CHROMOSOME AND MTDNA TESTS﹐ 只
要老爸和舅舅的結果出來﹐ 我就有一個完整的DNA Family Tree。
我google 了一下﹐ 所謂漢人﹐是屬於 haplogroup C﹐D and O (Y chromosome )。 所以﹐我的母系
有興趣做DNA test 的朋友﹐ 可以去 看看﹐ 價錢還不錯。
或是Genographic Project 是比較仔細的分析﹐ 而Genographic Project 只是告訴你你的
等你的結果出來後﹐ 你還可以去 把你的DNA profile 打進去﹐找你的match.
我的 MtDNA 是屬於 Haplogroup B
B Specific mitochondrial haplogroups are typically found in different regions
of the world, and this is due to unique population histories. In the process
of spreading around the world, many populations—with their special mitochondrial
haplogroups—became isolated, and specific haplogroups concentrated in geographic
regions. Today, we have identified certain haplogroups that originated in
Africa, Europe, Asia, the islands of the Pacific, the Americas, and even
particular ethnic groups. Of course, haplogroups that are specific to one
region are sometimes found in another, but this is due to recent migration.
Haplogroup B is found in eastern and southeastern Eurasia and throughout
the Americas. This haplogroup was present in the populations that initially
colonized the pre-Columbian Americas, and using American samples dates to
at least 12,500 years ago. This haplogroup can also be found distributed
in Polynesia. Future work will resolve the issue of how many distinct colonization
events there were in the original peopling of the Americas, and the role
of individuals bearing haplogroup B.
由於 haplogroup B 沒有足夠的datebase, 我找不到和我DNA match的人。 看datebase
裡屬於haplogroup B 的﹐ 很多都在美洲大陸﹐看來﹐我的祖先走到台灣就懶的走﹐
她的姐妹就繼續走到美洲大陸。 台灣有很多人都是屬於 haplogroup B。
我還想知道我媽那邊的父系DNA﹐ 因為我外公的歷史沒有人知道﹐ 連外婆都不清楚。
我們只知道外公是一臉阿杜仔的樣子﹐ 卻沒有任何資料說明他的血統。只有拿我
舅舅的sample 才可以測出他父系的DNA。
至於我爸的就簡單了﹐ 直接拿他的sample 做Y-CHROMOSOME AND MTDNA TESTS﹐ 只
要老爸和舅舅的結果出來﹐ 我就有一個完整的DNA Family Tree。
我google 了一下﹐ 所謂漢人﹐是屬於 haplogroup C﹐D and O (Y chromosome )。 所以﹐我的母系
有興趣做DNA test 的朋友﹐ 可以去 看看﹐ 價錢還不錯。
或是Genographic Project 是比較仔細的分析﹐ 而Genographic Project 只是告訴你你的
等你的結果出來後﹐ 你還可以去 把你的DNA profile 打進去﹐找你的match.