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For people who live in U.S.  Be cautious when responding to e-mails or phone calls from the 809, 284 or 876 area codes.  (I don't even bother to answer or return phone calls from unknown numbers)
I got the information from At&t website which is important to share with everyone here.

Periodically, e-mails warning of a scam involving calls from the 809 area code circulate. The e-mails contend that there has been fraud associated with unscrupulous pay-per-call operators in that area code. However, the message contains some misinformation, especially the highly exaggerated cost of a phone call to the 809 area code, which is a legitimate area code for the Dominican Republic. Fortunately, this scam is less prevalent in recent years as a result of work done by AT&T to eliminate access to fraudulent pay-per-call operators.

This long distance phone scam causes consumers to inadvertently incur high charges on their phone bills. Consumers usually receive a message telling them to call a phone number with an 809, 284 or 876 area code in order to collect a prize, find out information about a sick relative, etc. The caller assumes the number is a typical three-digit U.S. area code; however, the caller is actually connected to a phone number outside the United States, often in Canada or the Caribbean, and charged international call rates. Unfortunately, consumers don't find out that they have been charged higher international call rates until they receive their bill.

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不知道為什麼今天特別忙。 老闆又交代要我photoshop 一個
image。 屁股才坐下去就有人來﹐ 老闆又“剛好”每次有人來時在講電話。 不

有一個台灣媽媽和她女兒來﹐ 我門打開時手裡還拿著綠豆冰棒 (老闆娘準備給我們吃的)

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留給我一個超白痴的text message
"It's that season again, we got ants, can you pls have someone come and
exterminate them, thx"

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看到這個新聞﹐ 很有趣。 明天要回去上班在來和老闆以及同事來聊一聊這個新聞。


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我在琴行裡做了有七﹐八年了﹐ 因為我們的客人範圍不大﹐ 也不需要請很多人。
公司裡就只有我老闆﹐兩個琴師﹐我﹐以及打工的Rachel。 通常我老闆不接洽初
學者這些客人﹐ 一來﹐ 我們公司算是走名琴路線﹐ 這種客人也不多﹐ 二來﹐因

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我的一天的business trip 老闆回台灣的當天﹐放下了一句話
老闆”必須要把Peter Guarneri 拿去Houston 給一個老太太看“
我 ”幾點要到﹖“

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I drove the cleaning lady Maria to the apartment (which I am managing) for a cleaning job.  Since she doesn't drive, I told her that I would come pick her up at 2pm.  Well, I was so busy at work so I was late for 30 mins.  Guess what?  My Maria was gone??  I ran to the 2nd floor, back to 1st floor, down to the garage.. there was no sign of Maria.  I figure that she didn't want to wait for me so walked to the bus station by herself.  I was worried because she doesn't speak English at all, and she's a small lady.. but then more than half of people speak Spanish in Los Angeles, I guess she doesn't care...


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