633﹐ 馬上好﹐ 一個是八年後的目標﹐ 一個只是競選口號。  股市高達萬點也是個
玩笑話。。 原來選出了一個馬英九才是台灣歷史上最大的笑話。  

你說一輩子不獨不統﹐ 不獨絕對是真的﹐ 不統﹐ 看來也只是你的一個口號。

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(45) 人氣()

633﹐ 馬上好﹐ 一個是八年後的目標﹐ 一個只是競選口號。  股市高達萬點也是個
玩笑話。。 原來選出了一個馬英九才是台灣歷史上最大的笑話。  

你說一輩子不獨不統﹐ 不獨絕對是真的﹐ 不統﹐ 看來也只是你的一個口號。

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(44) 人氣()

For people who live in U.S.  Be cautious when responding to e-mails or phone calls from the 809, 284 or 876 area codes.  (I don't even bother to answer or return phone calls from unknown numbers)
I got the information from At&t website which is important to share with everyone here.

Periodically, e-mails warning of a scam involving calls from the 809 area code circulate. The e-mails contend that there has been fraud associated with unscrupulous pay-per-call operators in that area code. However, the message contains some misinformation, especially the highly exaggerated cost of a phone call to the 809 area code, which is a legitimate area code for the Dominican Republic. Fortunately, this scam is less prevalent in recent years as a result of work done by AT&T to eliminate access to fraudulent pay-per-call operators.

This long distance phone scam causes consumers to inadvertently incur high charges on their phone bills. Consumers usually receive a message telling them to call a phone number with an 809, 284 or 876 area code in order to collect a prize, find out information about a sick relative, etc. The caller assumes the number is a typical three-digit U.S. area code; however, the caller is actually connected to a phone number outside the United States, often in Canada or the Caribbean, and charged international call rates. Unfortunately, consumers don't find out that they have been charged higher international call rates until they receive their bill.

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For people who live in U.S.  Be cautious when responding to e-mails or phone calls from the 809, 284 or 876 area codes.  (I don't even bother to answer or return phone calls from unknown numbers)
I got the information from At&t website which is important to share with everyone here.

Periodically, e-mails warning of a scam involving calls from the 809 area code circulate. The e-mails contend that there has been fraud associated with unscrupulous pay-per-call operators in that area code. However, the message contains some misinformation, especially the highly exaggerated cost of a phone call to the 809 area code, which is a legitimate area code for the Dominican Republic. Fortunately, this scam is less prevalent in recent years as a result of work done by AT&T to eliminate access to fraudulent pay-per-call operators.

This long distance phone scam causes consumers to inadvertently incur high charges on their phone bills. Consumers usually receive a message telling them to call a phone number with an 809, 284 or 876 area code in order to collect a prize, find out information about a sick relative, etc. The caller assumes the number is a typical three-digit U.S. area code; however, the caller is actually connected to a phone number outside the United States, often in Canada or the Caribbean, and charged international call rates. Unfortunately, consumers don't find out that they have been charged higher international call rates until they receive their bill.

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Feelow 來我家的時候還是一隻小小狗﹐ 小到和一隻mini size 的兔子一樣小。  
有一次我還把小Feelow和兩隻小白兔關在一起 (忘記是什麼原因了)﹐ 結果兔子還

Feelow非常聽話﹐ 唯一的缺德(也是優點)就是很會叫。  她會對著任何一樣飛在天

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Feelow 來我家的時候還是一隻小小狗﹐ 小到和一隻mini size 的兔子一樣小。  
有一次我還把小Feelow和兩隻小白兔關在一起 (忘記是什麼原因了)﹐ 結果兔子還

Feelow非常聽話﹐ 唯一的缺德(也是優點)就是很會叫。  她會對著任何一樣飛在天

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

I know you are in a better place now, you are with DeDe now.  Sorry that I couldn't be there with you like I wanted to.  I am just glad that I got to spend some time with you on Sunday.  You'll have much more fun in in the other world, You'll once again being protected by DeDe, You'll once again chasing everything that flies on top your head, You'll once again enjoy barking non-stop and no one will yell at you "shup up, Feelow".  I'll have to get used to not seeing your big fat butt at the door when I go home, I'll have to get used to not yelling "shut up Feelow".  I'll have to get used to not having you in my life.

Jie Jie miss you so much and you'll always be in my heart.

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

I know you are in a better place now, you are with DeDe now.  Sorry that I couldn't be there with you like I wanted to.  I am just glad that I got to spend some time with you on Sunday.  You'll have much more fun in in the other world, You'll once again being protected by DeDe, You'll once again chasing everything that flies on top your head, You'll once again enjoy barking non-stop and no one will yell at you "shup up, Feelow".  I'll have to get used to not seeing your big fat butt at the door when I go home, I'll have to get used to not yelling "shut up Feelow".  I'll have to get used to not having you in my life.

Jie Jie miss you so much and you'll always be in my heart.

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

看到這個財經新聞﹐ 可是不知道是不是我中文太爛看不懂中文的財經新聞﹐ 怎麼我
找不到台灣有報這個消息﹖ 這個新聞提到﹐台灣金管會宣佈修改保險公司如何對待

Taiwan insurers ordered out of US agency MBS

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

看到這個財經新聞﹐ 可是不知道是不是我中文太爛看不懂中文的財經新聞﹐ 怎麼我
找不到台灣有報這個消息﹖ 這個新聞提到﹐台灣金管會宣佈修改保險公司如何對待

Taiwan insurers ordered out of US agency MBS

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

The whole Zhang incident shows how hopeless KMT and their supporter are.  First, Zhang tripped by himself.  Although he was surrounded by DPP member Wang, but Wang did not push Zhang.  From the video, it clearly shows that Zhang appears to trip as he is backing away from Wang and others.  When Zhang fell, Wang was actually facing another way, how is Wang able to push someone when he was facing the other way?  Wang was there to pick Zhang up right after Zhang fell. 

I would say that it’s Zhang’s own fault to be surrounded by DPP people.  He either under estimate Taiwanese or he thought that Taiwanese are as brainwashed as Chinese.  Zhang’s statement “There will be no war if Taiwan does go for independent”.  If this is not provocative enough, what is?  Should Taiwanese keep quiet and agree with him?

Isn’t it Ma’s fault that Taiwanese have so much hatred toward Chinese now? Isn’t it because Ma’s pro-China policy angry Taiwanese to take actions? The answer is YES!

If any one of us make such statement as "Taiwan is an independent country, Taiwan is not part of China" in the public while visiting China, what kinda treatment will you get from Chinese? Do you think they will politely stand there and do nothing?  Have you wondered what Ma and KMT will say? They definitely will say "It's your fault to provoke Chinese by make such statement."  

Michael Turton wrote “It's good to see the Taiwanese out there protesting and giving the Chinese representative a hard time, and good to see that the Chinese are worried about Taiwan's raucous domestic politics. If there is one thing that can enable the Taiwanese to keep Taiwan, it is standing up, speaking out, and not going gentle into that good night. Even the US foreign policy establishment, lost in dreams that they will one day wake up and find that either China or the ocean has swallowed Taiwan, would have to pay attention to that.”  

If Taiwanese don’t stand up for yourself, who will?

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

The whole Zhang incident shows how hopeless KMT and their supporter are.  First, Zhang tripped by himself.  Although he was surrounded by DPP member Wang, but Wang did not push Zhang.  From the video, it clearly shows that Zhang appears to trip as he is backing away from Wang and others.  When Zhang fell, Wang was actually facing another way, how is Wang able to push someone when he was facing the other way?  Wang was there to pick Zhang up right after Zhang fell. 

I would say that it’s Zhang’s own fault to be surrounded by DPP people.  He either under estimate Taiwanese or he thought that Taiwanese are as brainwashed as Chinese.  Zhang’s statement “There will be no war if Taiwan does go for independent”.  If this is not provocative enough, what is?  Should Taiwanese keep quiet and agree with him?

Isn’t it Ma’s fault that Taiwanese have so much hatred toward Chinese now? Isn’t it because Ma’s pro-China policy angry Taiwanese to take actions? The answer is YES!

If any one of us make such statement as "Taiwan is an independent country, Taiwan is not part of China" in the public while visiting China, what kinda treatment will you get from Chinese? Do you think they will politely stand there and do nothing?  Have you wondered what Ma and KMT will say? They definitely will say "It's your fault to provoke Chinese by make such statement."  

Michael Turton wrote “It's good to see the Taiwanese out there protesting and giving the Chinese representative a hard time, and good to see that the Chinese are worried about Taiwan's raucous domestic politics. If there is one thing that can enable the Taiwanese to keep Taiwan, it is standing up, speaking out, and not going gentle into that good night. Even the US foreign policy establishment, lost in dreams that they will one day wake up and find that either China or the ocean has swallowed Taiwan, would have to pay attention to that.”  

If Taiwanese don’t stand up for yourself, who will?

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

對於中國﹐ 他們永遠擺脫不掉“大中國主義”。 與其痛恨中國人﹐ 我們更應該痛
恨把台灣出賣給中國的馬政府。  一個政府﹐只會做表面功夫﹐ 一個總統﹐ 只會
做外表的節省﹐卻讓國民黨的立委開大錢﹐做不需要的闊大內需﹐ 只會開大錢﹐做

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(51) 人氣()

對於中國﹐ 他們永遠擺脫不掉“大中國主義”。 與其痛恨中國人﹐ 我們更應該痛
恨把台灣出賣給中國的馬政府。  一個政府﹐只會做表面功夫﹐ 一個總統﹐ 只會
做外表的節省﹐卻讓國民黨的立委開大錢﹐做不需要的闊大內需﹐ 只會開大錢﹐做

TaiDuMei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(51) 人氣()

從別的網友哪裡看到這一篇﹐ 寫的好像滿口是道﹐ 但是卻是個典型”俗仔“。
我不否認張銘清先生風度不錯﹐ 可是﹐ 他是一個想要毀滅台灣國家的政府官員﹐
難道有人拿刀放在你脖子上﹐ 可是他是態度很客氣﹐ 你就應該把脖子拉更直一點

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