When I first heard Mr. Ma said that Taiwanese are cynical,
my first reaction was “does he know what he's talking about?" This word is
usually used in a not so positive way. However, after doing some deep
thinking, I have to agree with him on this.

I'm not surprised that Taiwanese are being cynical in two months after
Ma step into the office. After all, Ma's administration does not care about
People. They aren't only favor the special interest group, they are also
wasting People's money.If Taiwanese aren’t being cynical toward him, then
I would say that people are hopeless.

So yeah, Ma is right for the 1st time.

聽到馬用"Cynical" 來形容台灣人﹐ 本來我還蠻訝議的。 因為這個字通常是用在
比較負面的言辭上。 但是﹐ 我想了一想﹐ 我同意馬的講法。

我不會奇怪台灣人在兩個月裡對馬政府的態度是Cynical (懷疑﹐ 悲觀)。 馬政府
根本不在乎人民﹐ 馬政府不止優惠大企業﹐ 還浪費台灣人民的錢。
如果台灣人對馬政府沒有懷疑﹐ 那我才覺得台灣人是沒希望。

所以﹐ 馬終於說對一句話了。

補﹕ 只是﹐馬自己會承認人民對他的執政已經開始懷疑﹐ 這一點﹐ 很奇怪。
不然就是他用錯英文字。 是哪一樣呢﹖

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