這一封信是來自當年目睹220事件發生的一位傳教士-K.W. Dowie。(他在台灣的時間
是1913 - 1924﹐淡水河中學的建築師﹐ 原本是在美國海軍﹐ 然後在台灣卸職)
加拿大的學者,傳教士,以及長期台灣活動家Michael Stainton在找尋著名傳教士
-George Leslie Mackay的文件時而浮出水面。

(轉貼來自Previously Unrevealed 2-28 Account - by Michael Turton)

親愛的 Cameron 博士,




於北太平洋 1947年4月14日



日本鬼子(譯按:原文為 Jap)投降後,福爾摩沙人原本誠心的歡迎中國的接管人員,並且努力試著讓中國政府的管理順利。不過因為嚴重的腐敗和其它等等原因,福爾摩沙人的期待很快就幻滅了,對中國統治者的反感也取代了原先的熱情。中國完全不去發展台灣島的商業、出口、或是工業,基本上什麼事都不做。他們唯一的目的似乎就是搜括掠奪。他們僅是接管了日本人離去後空下來的單位和公司,並且繼續執行日本人的統治系統,唯一的差別是日本人的管理方法有條理,而中國人沒有。從大陸來的中國人湧入島上,佔去了所有肥缺,並且享有優先特權,反觀本地的民營事業受到排擠,還被要求滾一邊去。時間久了壓抑的情緒僅需要一個小事件當起火點,悶燒的怒火就會演變為熊熊烈火。怒火最後在 2 月 28 日爆發了。



到了 3 月 8 日的晚上十點(協議十天和平的第八天)步槍和機關槍同時在台北不同地區開火。調來的軍隊已經扺達,開始向任何東西與任何人射擊,任意且毫無警告的開槍。一開始火力強大,隨著軍隊四處找人當槍靶,漸漸變成一段時間後才有一陣槍聲。這樣的情況持續了幾天,也不曉得有多少人喪生。我覺得死亡者有上千人。除了遭到射殺外,很多市民因為毫不可靠的理由遭到逮捕,我怕被抓去的沒有幾個能活下來。


那些維持秩序的學生被要求歸還借給他們的武器,因為已經秩序已經不復存在了。有 20 名學生在淡水路邊,神學院的西側(譯按:今真理大學),遭近距離射殺。

在基隆的一次屠殺之後,屍體被拋入海裡。結果被浪帶回了港口。中國政府的版本,也是島外得到的版本是: - 共產黨份子被清除了。


A. 福爾摩沙人誠心的期待台灣島納入聯合國法令託管。
B. 混亂、腐敗、缺法治理導致的動亂需要聯合國調查。
C. 若有調查就會發現中國管理下所造成惡劣情況,他們(聯合國大會)有監督改善的義務。
D. 改善的方法很簡單,賦予福爾摩沙人投票決定他們想要何種政府的權力。 98% 的人會投給聯合國法令託管,而聯合國大會將會得到六百萬人民永恆感激。
E. 任何花費都將會得到償還。在合法政府領導下,台灣島豐富的煤、金、糖、米產量會讓其經濟在短時間內擁有償還能力。



1- 附信其實是 1913-1924 年在台灣的宣教士 Kenneth W. Dowie 所寄,他是淡江中學的建築師。Dowie 後來加入了美國海軍,並且在事件間到台灣停留。(譯按:羅虔益後加入美國海軍,因此原文稱之為英國水手。可能是因為當時加拿大與英國仍有明顯從屬關係。)

2 - 附信的收件者是偕叡廉伉儷(馬偕醫師的兒子),他們在 228 事件展開時到達台灣。偕叡廉為了試著解救陳能通,勇敢的前往和軍隊士官長柯遠芬會面。

3 - 陳能通是淡江中學的校長。他的父親陳旺牧師是馬偕醫生的學生。 二二八時也遭逮捕,但是被釋放了。

4 - 盧圍是淡中的科學老師。死於 3 月 18 日。體育老師黃阿統與陳能通一齊遭到逮捕,與陳能通等數千人一同人間蒸發。據信應該是被拋入基隆海中。


1-陳能通,1899 年 11 月 10 日生於淡水,基督徒世家,淡中畢業後,赴日本第五高等學校就讀,1927 年卒業京都帝國大學,物理學士。同年回國任教於母校淡江中學,娶蕭安居牧師的女兒蕭美德為妻。1937 入學東京神學校,1940年畢業,回台後任教於台南長榮中學,1944年他為長老教會籌設宮前女中(今雙連嘉新大樓址),1946年任淡中校長。1946 年夏天,陳儀政府借用淡中舉辦台灣省第一屆青年夏令營,參謀長柯遠芬曾住宿淡中,並授課夏令營三民主義等課程,早就認識陳能通。


3-1947 年 3 月 9 日,「二二八」事發十天後國民黨軍隊廿一師由上海乘太康艦抵達基隆。 3 月 10 日禮拜一,一輛滿載武裝士兵車頂架著重機槍的軍用卡車,由台北方向開來,約兩百多名中國兵,由油車口方向殺進淡水街頭,屠殺無寸鐵的居民,幾乎任何會動的東西都開槍。一位淡中的駐校生,當時正上街,在事出突然閃躲不及的情況下,遭亂槍射殺於郵局斜對面。陳校長責無旁貸的下山去收屍帶回學校停放。事後警覺性斥責長子:「少年人,勿通去與人參加有的無的。」沒想到那句話竟然成了他的臨終遺言。

4-隔日,1947 年 3 月 11 日禮拜二,陳能通校長、陳旺牧師、黃阿統老師等人遭到非法逮捕。當天清晨五點左右,中國兵到淡中尋查陳校長不著,遂令該校廚房小弟帶領到校長宿舍(今真理一巷),將僅著睡衣的陳能通逮捕,陳校長的父親陳旺牧師追趕出來,也一起被帶走。

以上資料來自台灣大地文教基金會 - 《二二八消失的台灣菁英》—陳能通(1899-1947)

Here is an account of 2-28 written by a missionary who witnessed it. It surfaced when Canadian scholar, missionary, and longtime Taiwan activist Michael Stainton was searching through the papers of George Leslie Mackay, the famous missionary here. Dr. Stainton was kind enough to forward it to me for posting here. Without further ado:


Dear Dr Cameron,

Though most of the news in this you have probably heard already, I thought it would interest you – especially as it comes from a Mainlander. The writer was for years a marine advisor in the principal Chinese ports.

With Kind regards, Margaret Mackay
North Pacific. April 14, 1947.

(Letter received from an English seaman(1) of wide experience in China, who has just returned from Formosa where he was during the recent trouble.)

I was in Taipeh a couple of weeks back and met your folks(2). There was a perfectly justified uprising of the Formosans against Chinese oppression while I was there and mail and communication with the outside world was liable to censorship. The Chinese want only their version of the affair to reach the press. Your folks therefore asked if I would drop you a line giving a review of the goings on. I will try. It’s all from memory (scared to make notes in the event of a search) so if I ramble, please excuse.

After the Jap surrender the Formosans genuinely gave the Chinese an enthusiastic welcome and were keen and eager to make a go of things under Chinese Rule. Due to graft corruption etc. the Formosans were soon to be disillusioned and bitterness for the Chinese rulers took the place of the previous enthusiasm. The Chinese made no attempt to develop the island or trade or export or industry or anything at all. Their whole purpose seems to have been to loot. They merely took over the posts and businesses vacated by the Japs and carried on Jap system except that the Jap had method but the Chinese did not. Chinese from the mainland swarmed over the Island to pick up all the choice plums and they got priority while the native citizens were left out in the cold and told to go chase themselves. Time came when feelings ran so high that it only needed a smaller incident to act as a match and the smouldering fires would burst into flame. On February 28 the storm burst.

One of the Chinese Tobacco Monopoly Police clubbed an old widow to death for selling cigarettes at a small stall near the Taipeh Railway Station. A crowd began protesting to the Police and one of them was shot. The crowd then moved (angry but orderly) to Headquarters to protest and more of the crowd were shot. Their feelings then got the upper hand (one cannot blame them) and they yanked Chinese officials from their offices and beat them up. Some of the officials didn’t live. The money and cigarettes found in the Tobacco Monopoly Headquarters was taken into the street and burned. (This was their way of indicating they were not out for loot or individual gain). After these goings on the crowd quietened down somewhat and things most likely would have returned to normal but the following day there was more gunplay by the Chinese. Two students asked for information at the Railway Station having planed to go home on holiday as the schools had closed. They were shot dead. A demonstration (orderly) approached the Government Headquarters to protest these outrages and had machine guns turned on them. This proved the last straw and Taipeh cam completely under Formosan control for the time being.

The day after the machine gunning a representation approached the Governor with a list of demands: - That the trigger happy police be relieved of their arms and troops confined to barracks temporarily. That in future Mayors and other aspirants to high public office be voted in by the people and not appointed indiscriminately, etc. etc., all of them of a sensible nature and drawn up with a view to benefiting the Island as a whole. The Governor listened to their pleas and asked that a 10 day interval be agreed upon for him to study the list, then a meeting would be held with both parties represented and the matter gone into thoroughly. It was also arranged that the students maintain peace in the city during the interval and that they be armed in order to deal with any bad characters who might take advantage of the disturbed conditions. Unknown to the Formosans he had already or was about to send for more troops from the Mainland. The above arrangements worked successfully and the city resumed its normal routine.

At 10 p.m. on the 8th March (also the 8th day of the 10 agreed upon) rifle and machine gun fire broke out simultaneously in different parts of the city. The troops had arrived and began shooting up anything and anyone. The shooting was quite indiscriminate and without warning. At first it was heavy but later relapsed into intermittent bursts as the prowling troops went in search of human targets. It was kept up for a few days and goodness knows how many deaths there were. I would say that the deaths ran into thousands. In addition to he shootings lots of citizens were arrested on the most flimsy evidence and I am afraid few of them still live.

One of those arrested you may know or know of, Lien Tong(3). I often heard your parents speak of him. He was called out by the soldiery on some trumped up charge of collaboration and was unable to understand the language spoken by the soldiers. One of the school teachers (Lien Tong I gather was the School Principal) came out to act as interpreter but was promptly shot down(4). When I left Taipeh it had not been established whether or not Lien Tong still lived. Replies to enquiries said he had been taken to Keelung for Trial, plus the suggestion that another principal be obtained. Looks grim.

The students who maintained the peace in the city were asked to return the arms loaned them for that purpose and were then liquidated. About 20 were executed a short distance along the Tamsui Rd. west of the Mission College.

After one mass killing at Keelung the bodies were taken out to sea and dumped. The tide turned and brought them back into the Harbour again. The Chinese version which is the one that reached the outside world was: - Communist elements had been eliminated.

Outwardly to-day the Formosan is subdued but inside there is a burning rage which will flare up again. They won’t take it lying down. Their despair is pitiful and they can only trust the United Nations Council to get them out of their dilemma. They cannot give voice to their feelings or they would be picked up and rubbed out; they therefore have to rely entirely on the efforts and support of people outside the Island, and it’s up to them to raise such a Howl and keep it up until the United Council do take notice. Otherwise the Formosans are doomed to a life of oppression and subjection.

A. The Formosan is genuinely eager that the Island come under U.N. Mandate

B. The chaos, corruption, and maladministration which led to the disturbance demand a U.N. investigation.

C. An investigation would reveal the disgusting state of affairs under Chinese rule and it’s their job (U.N.C.) to see that they are remedied.

D. The remedy would be simple, granting all of Formosans the right to vote for what form of Government they desired and 98% would vote United Nations Mandate and the U.N.C. would be rewarded with the everlasting gratitude of 6,000,000 world citizens.

E. Any expenses incurred would gladly be refunded. Under proper government the island would become economically solvent in a very short time with its surplus of coal, gold, sugar, rice etc.

Now I suggest that when you have digested this you go to town and pass on to anyone you know the state of things in Formosa and form a committee or party to champion the Formosan cause. You probably know lots of people who are interested in Formosa and its people and who would gladly join in crusade to lift these pleasant industrious people from their present hell. It will require constant and relentless punching at the U.N. thro all and any channels to accomplish this aim.

1- Actually sent by K.W. Dowie, missionary in Taiwan 1913-1924, the architect of Tamsui Middle School. Dowie was then in the US Navy and had stopped in Taiwan.

2 - Mr. and Mrs. George William Mackay, who had arrived as 228 began. Mackay bravely tried to save Tan by going to see Garrison Commander General Ke Yuanfen.

3 - Tan Leng-thong (陳能通) Principal of Tamsui Middle School. His father, Rev. Tan Ong, a student of George Leslie Mackay, was also arrested but released.

4 - Lo Ui (盧圍) Science Teacher, died on March 18th. Gym teacher Ng Ah-thong (黃阿統) was arrested with Tan and suffered the same end. Along with thousands of others, they just disappeared. It is believed they were thrown into the ocean off Keelung.


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