
不久前﹐中國國家副主席習近平拜訪美國﹐ 我朋友Alex和圖博人一起參加了和平抗議活動﹐ Alex把他所看到的寫了下來﹐ 他同意讓我放在這裡和大家分享。 
Pro-Tibet protest for human rights to Vice-pres. Xi of China (by Alex Chen)
習近平來訪美國﹐ 親圖博的人權抗議

At this China protest by LAX. On my restroom break at Mc Donnalds, I met a Tibetan from SF. 
(這次對中國的抗議活動裡, 在洛杉磯國際機場﹐我在麥當勞的洗手間遇到來自舊金山的一位圖博人)
His name is Karma (a very catchy name) and he has a 7yr boy and a 3yr girl.
(他的名字是Karma﹐ 有一個7歲和3歲的女兒)
He packed his backpack last night around 8PM and got dropped off in LA early this morning.
SF Tibetans had only two 15 passenger vans, and the drivers did multiple small trips to get 100 of them from SF to LA.
(舊金山的圖博人只有兩台15人座的車﹐ 司機從舊金山到洛杉磯來回開了好幾趟才把100個圖博人載到)

After finding out that Xi will not be going to China Mart Los Angeles, 5250 W. Century Blvd (only his delegates were there), and that he will not be going to Pepperdine University either. 
(在我們發現習近平不會到 China Mart﹐ 也不會到 Pepperdine 訪問)
We decided to spread out and find where Xi will be exiting LAX from.
After changing a few locations while being followed by the sheriff,
we found a small group of 12 or so Chinese waiting to welcome Xi by the south entrance. 
We were 148 Pro-Tibet demonstrators vs 12 chinese which included some children. So we stayed about 20 meters from them while we continued protesting.
(我們一共有148個 圖博抗議人士﹐面對12個中國人﹐包括小孩﹐所以我們離開這個歡迎團體20公尺繼續抗議)
At one point, all the chinese got into their bus and started to leave. Not knowing where Xi will show, the Tibetans hurried to the 2 vans to follow.
(中國的歡迎團體決定離開﹐ 圖博抗議人士在不知道習近平會從哪裡出現﹐ 決定跳進2台車追隨中國歡迎團體)
I ran to the intersection and pressed the walk button to slow them down, Karma followed.
(Karma跟著我跑到十字路口按下過馬路的按扭﹐ *大部份的馬路﹐在行人按下按扭後﹐原本的綠燈很快就會變成紅燈人行人可通行)
I walked in front of their bus after they had a green, and a second later decided to move away since I did not want to get arrested. (在紅燈轉綠後﹐
This is when I saw Karma drop his backpack and signs, and lay down in front of the Chinese bus. 
(同一時間﹐ 我看到 Karma拿下他的背包﹐嘆了一口氣便躺到巴士前面阻擋他們前進)
I wish I had my camera ready, I was shocked. His friends pulled him up and the bus left while being tailed by our 2 vans.
I really wish Taiwanese people would be as dedicated as Karma in our protests.
(我真希望台灣人也可以像  Karma 一樣無顧一切的在我們的抗議活動上付出)
Later Karma had a long conversation with me. 
(之後我和 Karma談了很久)
He said: Look at the military powerful China, if we were protesting in China we would disappear, but here they flee from us. We must show the world the power of peaceful protests whenever we have the chance. (他說﹕ 面對武力強大的中國﹐如果我們今天是在中國抗議﹐我們大概之後就從人間消失了﹐但今天﹐在美國﹐是他們逃離我們。 我們一定要把握機會讓國際看到我們的和平抗議) 







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