
美國是還沒有查出有毒的鞋子﹐ 可是﹐Italy 已經查扣 一百七十萬雙中國仿冒的鞋
子裡含有非法毒料。 中國的黑心商人有沒有想過﹐ 他們為了賺錢﹐做了這些有毒
的東西。 等消息爆出來後﹐ 還有誰敢跟中國買東西﹖ 到最後﹐ 不是害到自己國

我一個中國朋友認為其它國家在找中國麻煩﹐ 我問他﹐ 你敢吃﹐使用這些有毒
的東西嗎﹖ 你說那些牛奶吃不死人﹐ 可是你願意吃嗎﹖ 當然不願意。。 中國人
應該是要處罰這些黑心商人﹐而不是怪其它國家在找中國麻煩。  其它國家有責任
保護自己國家人民的健康﹐ 有責任要拒絕黑心產品在自己的國家出現。  

是黑心商人丟了中國的臉﹐ 而不是其它國家在找中國麻煩。

Italian police bust Chinese imports in operation 'Toxic Shoes'

Fri Sep 26, 5:59 PM ET

ROME (AFP) - Italian police said Friday they had confiscated some 1.7 million counterfeit shoes made with leather containing illegal toxins, most of them from China.

Operation "Toxic Shoes" began in May and 21 Chinese and seven Italians are now being prosecuted for selling counterfeit products and threatening public health, a police spokesman told AFP.

Shoes containing hexavalent chromium compounds which are illegal in Italy due to their high toxicity and potentially carcinogenic effect were seized in Tuscany, police said.

A police unit responsible for financial crimes seized counterfeit imports which were mostly made in China but were labelled as "real leather" and "made in Italy", police said.

More than 20 million euros (29 million dollars) of merchandise was seized in one of Tuscany's largest sweeps in recent years. The operation led to 45 searches including in three other Italian regions outside Tuscany.

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    I am TaiDuMei, 叫我台獨妹﹗ made in Taiwan, processed in U.S.

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