本來以為除了台灣人以外﹐ 沒有人會知道馬英九這個”以為自己很國際﹐其實很俗
氣“的白痴言行。  結果看到在http://hillary.foreignpolicy.com 看到這個事件。
 標題就直接下“Taiwanese president calls Clinton 'Mrs.,' not 'Secretary”
基本上﹐ 這篇文是很直接寫出發生的事﹐ 沒有任何添油加醋。  留言目前只有一

寫著”If you mean this was a subtle way of dissing the Secretary because
we caved to China and severed ties with Taiwan(如果馬英九用這樣微妙的
方式來貶低國務卿﹐ 因為我們美國傾向中國而且切斷和台灣的關係), I suppose
you may be right.
But I'm inclined to be see this as the sort of sexist, accidentally-on-purpose
"slip of the tongue" with which women in positions of leadership and power
have always been greeted. She's not Madam Secretary, she's Bill Clinton's
wife. It's the equivalent, played out on the stage of international diplomacy,
of calling your co-worker -- or a female reporter, as the case may be --
"sweetie." 這位人士覺得馬英九是在歧視 Clinton  是女人啦﹗

Don't the Taiwanese have their own Letitia Baldridge? Sheesh.
這句是重點﹕ 台灣難道沒有自己的禮儀專家嗎﹖ 拜託。。。
Letitia Baldridge is an etiquette expert.

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