看到這個文章﹐ 我開始懷疑﹐ 難道台灣人自己都看不出馬英九的真面目。
獨孤木的這一篇﹐ “到底是誰丟臉丟到國外去?”寫的沒錯﹐ 一群自以為是的藍
丁﹐ 只會靠腰阿扁丟光台灣的臉﹐ 奇怪﹐馬英九侵蝕台灣民主好像都不丟臉。 
文章裡寫的很清楚﹐ 馬政府的做為﹐ 很難不去和過去獨裁的國民黨做比較。

他給我一個表情﹐回答我 ”什麼﹖ 才10多年﹖ 那以前是什麼﹖ 獨裁國家嗎﹖

我回答”是阿﹐ 獨裁很多年﹐ 不過﹐ 現在又走回頭路了“
男友又回答”如果這是台灣人的選擇﹐ 也許台灣人不懂﹐也不願意當自己的主人
我很生氣的說”不﹐台灣人要的是民主﹐ 要的是自己的國家﹐ 他們選馬當總統﹐
不是因為他們同意馬政府目前的做法﹐更不同意台灣是中國的一部份﹐ 這些台灣人
男友說“沒有人拿刀子逼台灣人去選馬當總統﹐ 沒有人是笨到會被馬騙﹐ 你自己
認為台灣不屬於中國﹐可是不代表台灣人都認為台灣是一個國家﹐ 不然﹐怎麼會選
說到這裡﹐ 我沒辦法提出任何說法來證明“選馬不等於同意馬政府的作為”

台灣目前的狀況﹐ 想要靠民進黨﹐算了吧。。小貓兩﹐三隻也沒什麼用 (不過﹐這
也是台灣自己選擇的﹐ 也別怪民進黨沒用)。 如果台灣自己不懂的爭取權力﹐維護
自己的國家﹐別想說3年後還有機會。  以前還可以相信如果中國武力犯台﹐ 有美
國會出面。  美國現在都被中國牽著鼻子走﹐ 加上馬政府給其他國家的印象就是親
中﹐ 誰會相信台灣人不想當中國人﹖ 

Critics blast democratic erosion under Taiwan's Ma
By PETER ENAV,Associated Press Writer  AP - Sunday, January 4

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is a Harvard Law School graduate with a professed commitment to the rule of law.

But two incidents during his first seven months in office are prompting unflattering comparisons with his Nationalist Party's dictatorial past and raising questions about Ma's ability to protect Taiwan's fragile democracy.

His apparent willingness to countenance his party's actions against opposition politicians is provoking stinging criticism of his administration, both at home and abroad.

It is "reminiscent of Richard Nixon's behavior, as in ordering IRS investigations of groups he didn't like," said June Teufel Dreyer, a China-Taiwan expert at the University of Miami, in an e-mail response to questions. The IRS is the American tax agency.

No one suggests Ma wants to turn the clock back on free elections and other democratic reforms that swept the island starting in the mid-1980s.

What worries some is the efforts by Nationalist lawmakers to pressure the Ministry of Justice into prosecuting former officials of the rival Democratic Progressive Party, including former President Chen Shui-bian.

Chen was indicted on Dec. 12 on charges of money laundering, looting a special presidential fund and taking bribes during his eight years in office.

Few deny that there is probably substance to the allegations. The problem, the critics contend, is that Ma has failed to stop a campaign by lawmakers to keep Chen in jail pending trial.

Following his indictment, a three-judge panel from the Taipei District Court ordered him released on his own recognizance. Lead judge Chou Chan-chun said it was unlikely that Chen would attempt to flee before his trial.

Prosecutors initially accepted the decision but, following intense criticism from Nationalist lawmakers, they changed their mind and filed an appeal.

On Dec. 18, the court rejected the appeal.

This provoked a new round of attacks led by Nationalist lawmaker Chiu Yi, who spent eight months in prison for leading violent protests against Chen's narrow re-election victory in 2004.

"If Chou knows about shame, he should resign and let others handle the case," Chiu told reporters. "If he doesn't do so ... I will impeach him so that he loses his job."

On Dec. 25 the District Court took the unusual step of shifting Chen's case to a different three-judge panel, giving the lead role to Tsai Shou-hsun, who had acquitted Ma on graft charges of his own in 2007.

Three days later, the new panel accepted the prosecution's argument that Chen was a flight risk and ordered him back to jail.

"The pressure from critics has been undisguised," The Apple Daily newspaper said in an editorial. "If a judge does not hand out a verdict according to their wishes, they ... besmirch his reputation. The judiciary should avoid considering political elements in a case."

Ma spokesman Wang Yu-chi denied any political intervention in Chen's case. Taipei District Court spokesman Huang Chun-ming said the decision to change judges was for efficiency, so that the same panel would handle the cases of both Chen and his wife, who also faces graft charges.

Typically, though, his wife's case would have been moved to the judges hearing his case, since hers is a less important one.

Political scientist Wang Yeh-lih of Taipei's National Taiwan University said the most disturbing aspect of the Chen affair has been the readiness of Nationalist lawmakers to leak information from the investigation to allies in the media.

He also blamed prosecutors, saying they "consistently violated the principle of guarding the details of investigations during Chen's case."

Wang said Ma's apparent inability to stand up to lawmakers in his own party was also evident in his reluctance to prevent senior Nationalist officials from holding talks in Shanghai last month with China's Communist Party.

The negotiations, on two-way investment and cooperation in financial and service industries, circumvented the Straits Exchange Foundation, the Taiwanese body established to conduct talks with the mainland.

The leaders of the Nationalist delegation included honorary party chairman Lien Chan, whom critics chide as a supporter of reunification with the mainland, something most Taiwanese oppose. Ma has pledged not to discuss the issue while in office.

Wang said the meeting signaled the government's willingness to abdicate its authority to the ruling political party _ much as the Nationalist Party dictated policy during martial law from 1947 to 1987.

Wang Yu-chi, the Ma spokesman, said any agreements reached with the mainland would need government approval.

"The only agency recognized by the government to hold talks with China is the Straits Exchange Foundation," he said. "Non-governmental talks will not bring about the implementation of deals that are agreed upon."

But Wang Yeh-lih, the political scientist, has his doubts.

"The Nationalists are circumventing public supervision when they talk to the communists on its own," he said. "This is not something a democratic country would normally tolerate."

美聯社把馬喻尼克森 府院:荒謬




容洩漏給媒體。 如此沉重的批判,出自國外通訊社,甚至把馬總統類比為濫權、利


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