當台灣人在高興盧彥勳進入溫布頓網球公開賽8強﹐ 你們有沒有注意到溫布頓網球的官網﹐ 是把盧彥勳列入中華﹐台北而不是台灣。  NBC的轉播記者﹐ 整場比賽是以中國人來稱呼盧彥勳。  

盧彥勳在公開場合一再強調自己是台灣人﹐ 替台灣爭光。  我想﹐ 我們能做的就是寫信去溫布頓網球官網﹐ 要求他們把盧彥勳的國籍正名﹐ 回復到台灣。

請大家轉寄這一封信到ATP﹐ 表達台灣人強烈的抗議﹗
收到AELTC Public Relations的回信﹐ 基本上他們說這件事要去找ATP抗議﹐ 所以我做了修改。

1。 到ATP的官網
2。 按照圖片裡的方法填寫

3。 貼上我的範本

When Rendy Lu time and time and again announces that he is Taiwanese, and proud to be able to play and represent Taiwan.  That means international identity - the sovereign nation of Taiwan.

While Taiwanese people do not disagree that we had ties with Chinese culture, but as far as international identity, we do not wish to be assimilated with the Chinese.

Please do not insult us by confusing us with the Chinese and identifying us as Chinese-Taipei.  80% of the people living in Taiwan are Taiwanese not Chinese.  Lastly, respect Taiwan's sovereignty, its people and athletes, and embrace us as a member of international community.

Lu is not from Chinese Taipei. He is from Taiwan, the capital of which is Taipei. Lu called his people "Taiwanese" and we should, too.
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