
當理由來騙台灣人。 我大妹是專精國際法的律師﹐ 她看了李慶安的律師提出來的
理由﹐ 給我的回答和我之前講的一樣。 那個女人是以為台灣人是白痴嗎﹖ 連我不
是學法律的都知道她在虎爛。 下面是我妹回給我的email:

這一段我就不翻譯了﹐ 這是法律語言
Although 8 USC §1481a(4)(B) states that "A person who is a national of
the United States ... shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing
any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States
nationality..... (4)(B) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties
of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state
or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen
years for which office, post, or employment an oath, affirmation, or declaration
of allegiance is required; or

8 U.S.C.A. § 1481(a)(4)(B).

The Court in Kahane v. Shultz, 653 F. Supp. 1486 (E.D. N.Y. 1987). found
that "...taking a seat in the Israeli Knesset-is not inherently inconsistent
with American citizenship... only that the voluntary taking of a formal
oath that includes an explicit renunciation of United States citizenship
is ordinarily sufficient to establish a specific intent to renounce United
States citizenship. 752 F.2d at 1421 (emphasis added).

---------------above is just legalese, below is normal English---------------
Plain English time: The Code specifically states that a US citizen shall
lose his citizenship by voluntarily performing certain acts -- serving a
foreign government -- WITH INTENTION TO RELINQUISH his US nationality. The
Court interprets the Code to say that only when a person takes formal oath
under a foreign government's parliament also EXPLICITLY renounces his US
citizenship does it sufficiently establish a specific intent to renounce
his US citizenship.
這個法規說美國公民有意圖放棄美國籍去其它國家政府服務﹐ 這是可以讓你失去美
國籍。但是﹐ 法院的解釋是﹐ 必須要有“明確" 以及“充份具體的意圖”

Put it in your blog -- that bitch Lee is full of bullshit, the US case law
clearly states that by taking an oath to serve in the parliament of another
country does not necessarily show an intent to relinquish citizenship. If
she really has any intent to relinquish her US citizenship, she needs to
go through the steps as provided under 8 USC §1481a(5).
李在虎爛﹐ 美國法律明確表示﹐ 在其它國家政府擔任工職並不代表這是放棄美國
公民的意圖。 如果她真的有要放棄的意圖﹐ 她需要採取 8 USC §1481a(5) 的部

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