因為我自己不是念基因學的﹐ 看我自己的DNA 結果﹐ 其實很吃力﹐ 在google 很久
之後﹐只能確定老母的老母的老母(就這樣一直上去)是東南亞那邊來的﹐ 可是這又
和台灣有什麼關係呢﹖ 在我到處尋問之下﹐ 終於有學者給我了一個解釋。

我問﹕Question about Taiwanese belongs to Haplogroup B
recently had my mtDNA test done and I belong to Haplogroup B. I was told
that my family is Hoklo Taiwanese for at least 300 years.
I did some research about Haplogroup B but didn't get much information about
Taiwanese. Will you help me to understand what Haplogroup
B means for Taiwanese? Rachael believes that I belong to Haplogroup B4,
does it mean anything?

You are absolutely correct, the presence of mutations 16189 and 16217 make
you belong to this well established Asian family type called B4. Great
daughter of a lady carrying the N haplogroup 70 to 60 000 years ago and
whose descendants gave birth to R 10000 years later, we have to wait another
10000 years to see the first baby B girl in Asia (East India or Indochina).
B4 then arrived in southeast Asia more than 45 000 years ago. The first Asian
ladies with B4c must have been living in south east china or Indochina more
than 35000 years ago and lived ever since with the descendants of one of
her sister who were B4a and whose descendants colonized the Pacific (the
Austronesian speakers). TaiDuMei's ancestors did not follow these Austronesian
people, they must have belonged to a large group since we see members of
this B4c group spreading around south east Asia (SEA) and to island southeast
Asia (ISEA) (Indonesia). Only a very few members of the same group moved
to Siberia. Another little group along with other groups of the B family
moved to Japan 30000 years ago. The rest of TaiDuMei's ancestors probably decided
to remain in South east Asia till the present day. 10000 years ago, one
possibility is that, like many did before them, some of this B4c group decided
to follow the land bridge between China and Taiwan. When they did this they
remained isolated till the last 400 hundred years before present. But, actually
TaiDuMei's closest ancestors belong to the group that did not cross the straight
and acquired the 16092 mutation between 10 and 5000 years ago. The ones
that moved to Taiwan lost 16311 and can be found among the Tsou 鄒 and the Yami 雅美族,
but also in Puyuma 卑南族 and Paiwan 排灣 and Batan and Luzon in the Philippines.
in Taiwan both groups are seen in Taiwan as many of TaiDuMei's ancestors migrated
there, and one can distinguish these different B4c that moved to Taiwan
only recently (TaiDuMei's ancestors) by the presence of the recent 16092 mutation.

The other possibility requires more study. It would show that B4c came to
Taiwan from the Philippines and Indonesia.
Both alternatives show a long Southeast Asian Origin and a very recent arrival
in Taiwan.
I am
indeed.. Taiwanese...!!


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